Friday, 25 July 2014

A final reflection

Now we're all home safely, we can reflect upon the past week of excitement...

From the initial build up where we're writing lists, packing all the stuff and worrying that we'd forgotten something, through to the challenges of the organisation whilst on the trip (constantly counting our groups to make sure no-one had gone missing) and the challenge of keeping everyone as happy as possible (even when emotions are running high), I can safely say, at this point, WE MADE IT!

Every year we do this, there are different dynamics and the trip, whilst maintaining a similar content, always has a different flavour.  The reason for this is the people we take.  It's those wonderful teenagers, with their naivety and wonderment of the world around them that makes this trip so special.

This year, I have tried hard to ensure that the memories live on; through the blog, Instagram (#mathstagram), Twitter (@tuptonmaths #paris14) and finally, click here for a video of some of our best mathstagrams.

I have been inundated with pictures this year, so more videos will be added in time.

As ever, It's been a pleasure and a privilege and I look forward to the opportunity of doing it all over again next year (fingers crossed!)

Walto x

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